separate collection
To enable the proper recycling of waste they must be divided according to the following categories and thrown in the bins.WET - all organic waste, which are the substances of vegetable origin or animal eg. of kitchen waste, pruning waste , and so on (are reused to generate the so-called biogas used as an energy source)
PAPER - marked by a mark "CA" eg. newspaper, magazines, books, bags for bread or fruit, shoe boxes, packaging of products such as detergents , and so on (for the production of recycled paper) if you are NOT recyclable DIRTY eg. pizza boxes, wax paper ...
PLASTIC - all kinds of plastic, have a symbol of three arrows in a triangle shape with SPI number inside the EXCEPT that contaminated or hardly removable content eg. tubes of toothpaste
ALUMINIUM - the aluminum is recyclable, is the material with which they are made eg. packs of cans, cans caps (used to produce bicycles, appliances and so on)
Glass - all bottles and glass containers previously emptied of content and rinsed / cleaned
drugs - this medicine collected and thrown into the appropriate boxes on the pharmacies
BATTERIES AND BATTERY - cells and batteries collected and disposed of in special containers, for example. those of the remote controls, those alarms, cameras .
Should also take special care to
OIL TO FRY - it is highly polluting and, if thrown in the sink, it is difficult to dispose of (oil 1L polluter 1,000,000 liters of water). Must be collected and delivered to a public ricicleria.
Finally REUSE AND 'BEST OF RECYCLING and should avoid buying products with unnecessary packaging or packaging .
household chemicals
Avoid the use of chemicals in health and saves money, because there are some good alternatives clean FLOORS just a glass of white wine vinegar in a bucket of warm water. Instead to clean the parquet can be used natural waxes.
SINK AND OTHER SURFACES WASHABLE you can use a paste made of baking soda and water.
For GLASSES we use paper of a crumpled newspaper and just soaked with water.
Important for the oven must absolutely avoid to use chemicals (containing caustic soda, solvents and other harmful substances), because the cleaning residue, evaporating, might contaminate food.
Finally DISGORGARE EXHAUST PIPES is better to use "mechanical" methods like the rubber auger or metal spiral because most of sgorgatori are highly toxic and polluting.
"Sister Earth" in Rome
The Museum Palazzo Braschi Rome hosts the photo exhibition "Sister Earth," with more than 60 photographs of famous photographers of the National Geographic arranged in a path of rediscovery of our planet. The photographers Jonas Bendiksen, James P. Blair, Ira Block, Jodi Cobb, Jad Davenport, David Doubilet and many others want to represent the beauty, the Earth's biodiversity in contrast to the environmental degradation caused urbanization wild ...the exhibition was dedicated to ' encyclical praise be - "The earth is wounded, serves an ecological conversion" and will be opened up to 28 February 2016 from Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 to 19:00 h.
Poetry in rhyme - From the night at dawn
In the night of stars lived the little men from heavy panniers the stipendiary domains, They sang the works frivolous and fables of their progress for the oppressed world and they were in the eyes a life of hardship. Now you go at dawn the indomitable people with digital weapons to cure all ills, natural opprobrium and all the same rights.
Umberto F. M. Cefalà