Eventi poems of the blog by Umberto F. M. Cefalà

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Poems Eventi

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Arezzo is an ancient Tuscan city that arose from settlements of pre-Etruscan era and already constituted in the ninth century BC an urban ar...

Saturday, May 21, 2016 will host the twelfth edition of the Night of Museums . This is an initiative with the aim to enhance the European...

Alessandro Manzoni was born in Milan March 7, 1785 in a modest family, but from the maternal side had as grandfather the famous Cesare B...

This year we will celebrate the start of spring with a weekend of culture. In fact, thanks to the event FAI Spring on 19 and 20 March 20...

International Women's Day - or more commonly Women's Day - is coming (uses the ' March 8 ) and reminds us of discrimination a...

Lake Como is a pre-Alpine natural lake that has an ancient history, archaeological evidence found in artifacts dating back to the Paleolithi...

Along the fertile banks of the Nile in Africa developed the Egyptian civilization , which lasted for about 2,000 years. During the great per...

February 14 is the feast of Valentine's Day , which is named after St. Valentine in Terni, patron of lovers. It was established in 49...

For sustainable architecture means the design and construction of buildings in low environmental impact . A closer look is defined as a ...

The theme of ecology and environmental protection is increasingly shared by European peoples and was the spark that in recent years has mad...

In the Chiaia district of Naples is Villa Pignatelli , which by the early nineteenth century it overlooking the famous Neapolitan Riviera....

Palazzo Panciatichi is Florence in Via Cavour 2 was built between 1445 and 1446 by Agnolo di Ghezzo Della Casa, a cloth merchant with ...

The character Santa Claus or Santa Claus is really San Nicola , Bishop of Myra (now Demre in Turkey), that with a miracle brought alive...

La Reggia di Caserta rimarrà aperta alle visite turistiche anche durante le festività natalizie del 2015 e si lascerà ammirare ancora una ...

Si parla di riscaldamento globale per indicare il mutamento del clima terrestre causato dall'attività umana. Questo fenomeno, sviluppa...

Villa Borromeo Visconti Litta risale al XVI secolo ed è situata nel comune di Lainate. Venne ideata da Pirro I Visconti Borromeo sulla fals...

Palazzo Stella fu la residenza nobiliare dell'antica famiglia genovese degli Stella, un palazzo cinquecentesco situato nell'omonima...

Dal 20 novembre al 15 febbraio il Museo di Santa Giulia di Brescia apre la mostra “ Chagall – Anni Russi 1907-1924 ” per spiegare alcune o...

Il Palazzo Reale di Milano ha allestito la mostra " Da Raffaello a Schiele " con 76 opere provenienti dal Museo di Belle Arti di ...

Cremona, città lombarda di origini antiche (fortificata dai Romani nel 218 a.C.) e tuttora conosciuta in ambito internazionale per le celeb...

- the blog themes -

- - - - - - - - - - Lavoro - - - - - - - - - - - - -

–– FEEDS ––

This blog was created in 2012 with the first works and phrases romantic inspired by classical poetry. Later in the 2013 pointed towards a creative line with the testing of the open source project that is of poems by multiple authors. In 2014 he published My metaphors , a study of the figures of speech with new definitions and ad hoc examples. In the same year, to coincide with the Milanese works for the Universal Exhibition of 2015, led EXPO project concerning the representation of the most famous Italian dishes. In 2015 focused attention on those increasingly popular crafts as the grinder or the cobbler. It was also facing classical and contemporary art with the spread of cultural events of all sorts, but always presented in a poetic. In 2016 he held particularly to highlight developments on environmental protection.