Between 1841 and 1860 it was occupied by the German family Carl Mayer von Rothschild, enriched with numerous improvements. Following national unity was ceded to princes Pignatelli Cortes of Aragon. In the '50s it was donated to the state by Princess Rosina Pignatelli that he might be turned into a museum.
In 1960 it was opened to the public for the first time.
The villa It has a kind of architectural structure neo and calls the "Pompeian domus" as it is characterized by a square plan divided into two rectangles. One of these includes an entrance porch with a neo-Doric colonnade, only develops on the ground floor and was the main residence. While the other, on two floors, was the main body of the villa. Inside contains numerous prestigious halls such as: the Red Lounge Green Living Blue Room and Library .
recently these wonderful environments have been re-opened to the public after months of interventions for restoration and maintenance.
opening hours: daily except Tuesday from 8:30 to 19:00 (entrance to the Pignatelli Museum, Carriage Museum and Park: € 5.00, entrance to the Park only: € 2,00)
neoclassical Naples
Everywhere you look, find something beautiful, find something shine in the composition of decorations with depth symmetrical.
Umberto F. M. Cefalà