The Betrothed
To date, Alessandro Manzoni is considered a father of the literature , it has innovated by placing the foundations for the modern novel, and, more importantly, has helped drive d ' Italy consolidating the common language. He had success with the work "The Betrothed." It is a historical novel set in 1600 and steeped in the Catholic religion. To this latter element it lends itself to more reading keys. The religious one, which focuses attention on the divine plan, or rather on the "Divine Providence." That material, which brings out the characteristics of the romance novel with stretches adventurous. In particular there are the struggle between good and evil, social criticism and political satire. In fact, they can easily identify the characters "good" out of love and "bad" ones driven by their own interests and vices. All this is mitigated by divine providence, capable of converting and changing minds.
Casa Manzoni in Milan
In Milan in Via Gerolamo Morone 1 stands the house Alessandro Manzoni, was the seat of the private life of the writer, meetings with close friends and distinguished guests. In 1937 it was purchased by the Savings Bank of the Lombard provinces and then donated to the City of Milan. Later it was the subject of numerous restoration and renovation. In 1965 it was reopened as Manzoni Museum. Recently, in conjunction with Expo 2015, it was again restored in order to expand the exhibition. Today is open to free entry Tuesday to Friday 10:00 to 18:00 and the Saturday 14:00 to 18:00.
Poetry Solar Love Narrative Rhymes
Fear not I can finish, that suddenly you can disappear, a love that loses its leaves, hibernating, and go to die. Too much water and you pampered, too little and you wither: It is measured by head and heart, with passion can flourish. If sincere, you know how to give, if fiery, you know how to tame. This love has roots and leaves to sustain You and breathe. Every love has a sweet smell, jasmine or orange blossom and violets.
Umberto F. M. Cefalà