Giacomo Leopardi - the museum Recanati poem of the blog

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Giacomo Leopardi - the museum Recanati

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The most famous Italian poet of the nineteenth century, and one of the greatest exponents of Romanticism, is undoubtedly Giacomo Leopardi . He was born in 1798 in Recanati (the Papal States - today in the Marche) in a noble family and acquires the title of count. It is the eldest and has nine children of whom only Carlo, Pauline, Luigi and Pierfrancesco survived up to mature age because of the living conditions of the time. It has an energetic mother, the marquise Adelaide Antici, holding the reins of the family patrimony and the first word on economic decisions. He caught a father, Count Monaldo Leopardi, mistress of studies with also a remarkable political career (city councilor, governor and administrator food administration).
Leopardi is educated by two ecclesiastical tutors in the study of Latin, theology, of philosophy and scientific training. Nevertheless, the young poet also has available a rich family library where embarks on his journey of self-taught studies.


In 1809 composed his first poetic work, the sonnet entitled "The death of Hector" and begins production of "childish". A few years later after having completed the study of philosophy writes "Philosophical Dissertations" of logical arguments, philosophy, moral, theoretical physics and experimental. In 1812 concludes his course of study with an essay discussed forward to examiners of various religious orders including the bishop. Between 1815 and 1816 he abandoned his studies, he gave himself entirely to poetry and watch old favorites like models to compose. However, he reads also his contemporaries authors Alfieri, Parini, Foscolo and Vincenzo Monti. In 1817 holds a correspondence with Pietro Giordani and dreams of leaving Recanati to leave in search of the city with a more cultured society. He tried to escape and in 1822 obtained from the parents for permission to go to Rome. He started traveling, first in Milan, then in Bologna, Florence, Pisa. Finally in 1833 she moved to Naples, hosted by the family of his friend Ranieri. There, after a few years of unremitting studies and productions including "The Broom" and "Sunset Moon" is death.

The thought

Leopardi is an intellectual of great culture "nonpartisan" facing society as a classicist, and then the detection and Romanticism, becoming a principal exponent, while remaining in a detached way. It has a thought characterized by the various stages of his pessimism with opposition ascetic aspect of his poetic and theoretical rationality of philosophical reflections. All this is summed up in synolon life and disillusionment.

The house museum in Recanati

The Leopardi Palace, dating from the mid-eighteenth century, has a struttura with simple and elegant lines and is located in the district of Monte Morello in the square with the church of S. Maria di Montemorello and stables (at the time also inhabited by Teresa Fattorini celebrated in the song "A Silvia"). The palace has many rooms, the basement former mill, the ancient cellars, in the east of the master bedroom of the poet, on the first floor the famous and large library, while the upper floors of the rooms (not open to the public) yet inhabited the Leopardi family.
the museum is open in the fall and winter from Tuesday to Sunday 9:30 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:30

Poetry narrative - Here was Leopardi

Here is the campaign,
usual solitary,
which it became an instant
out of nowhere the infinite,

that the culture had a culture
and shoots a worldwide reputation.

Now he regrets and knows
of that other green
where the genius is lost,
of words marked

launched by a slender inhabitant
to a new orbiting.

Umberto F. M. Cefalà
Palazzo Leopardi a Recanati

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–– FEEDS ––

This blog was created in 2012 with the first works and phrases romantic inspired by classical poetry. Later in the 2013 pointed towards a creative line with the testing of the open source project that is of poems by multiple authors. In 2014 he published My metaphors , a study of the figures of speech with new definitions and ad hoc examples. In the same year, to coincide with the Milanese works for the Universal Exhibition of 2015, led EXPO project concerning the representation of the most famous Italian dishes. In 2015 focused attention on those increasingly popular crafts as the grinder or the cobbler. It was also facing classical and contemporary art with the spread of cultural events of all sorts, but always presented in a poetic. In 2016 he held particularly to highlight developments on environmental protection.