A universe with love for Women's Day poem of the blog

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A universe with love for Women's Day

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International Women's Day - or more commonly Women's Day - is coming (uses the ' March 8 ) and reminds us of discrimination and violence suffered by women throughout history and today. Under the symbol of mimosa and feminine fragility will be celebrated for a more just and respectful.

The solidarity events

To make a special gift to all women and all persons in difficulty you can join in the many events of solidarity scheduled on March 8.

Among these is "the campaign against violence" of We Onlus World . To participate you have to post on social a photo of himself with the "#potreiessereio" sign and accompany it from the text: " 1 in 3 women is a victim of violence, every woman who suffers violence. It is also possible to support the initiative until 13 March, donating 2 euro by sending an sMS to the number 45594 solidarity from mobile Tim, Vodafone, Wind, 3, Poste mobile and CoopVoce or by calling the same number from a landline Telecom Italy, Fastweb, Vodafone and Twt. . " There are already many participants including: Euridice Axen, Rossella Brescia, Regina Baresi, Giulia Bevilacqua -even many men- Marco Maccarini, Antonio Cabrini and many others.

Another special event to be held in 5,000 Italian squares (from 5 to 8 March) is that of "Gardenia AISM" of ' Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association . It is a popular fundraising campaign supported by 10,000 volunteers. Adheres purchasing a Gardenia plant to contribute to targeted search against multiple sclerosis.

Still's on (only Milano ) an evening dedicated to the children with the non-profit organization Friends of the Sick Child to raise money for the Pediatric Clinic of the Hospital De Marchi University of Milan. The event will begin at 19.00 with an aperitif, then a dinner or an after-dinner at the ' Art Bar & Bistrot Bicycles in Via Torti 2, Milan.

Poetry a gravitational love Rime Narrative

 Universe where gravity Love
it has a bearing between the feet
and another in the heart.

With caresses you reach the stars,
but it is the love that commands,
which makes them more beautiful.

The same love is to love
like the tears to fall
like smile to rejoice

and everything makes planets
and make you a galaxy
and me a comet. 

Umberto F. M. Cefalà

women's Day with mimosa flowers

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–– FEEDS ––

This blog was created in 2012 with the first works and phrases romantic inspired by classical poetry. Later in the 2013 pointed towards a creative line with the testing of the open source project that is of poems by multiple authors. In 2014 he published My metaphors , a study of the figures of speech with new definitions and ad hoc examples. In the same year, to coincide with the Milanese works for the Universal Exhibition of 2015, led EXPO project concerning the representation of the most famous Italian dishes. In 2015 focused attention on those increasingly popular crafts as the grinder or the cobbler. It was also facing classical and contemporary art with the spread of cultural events of all sorts, but always presented in a poetic. In 2016 he held particularly to highlight developments on environmental protection.