Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898 - 1972) was a Dutch graphic artist and engraver, who represented impossible perspectives, infinite calculations and illusory reasons. In particular, it is also much appreciated by scientists, because he applied to his works some geometric principles, mathematical and illusory, including the Triangle of Penrose, the Necker cube, the dodecahedron starry, the Droste effect, the Möbius loop , the Poincaré and many other disks. Among his most famous works are shown: the Drawing Hands (two hands drawing each other), ascent and descent (lines of people ascend or descend a ladder locked in an endless loop).
Poetry dedicated to Escher
Aware of perception:
I, observing symmetries,
the reality in distorted perspectives,
the author, in altering the physical;
aware of the perception:
reality, observing symmetries,
the author, in the distorted perspectives,
I, in altering the physical;
aware of the perception:
the author, observing symmetries,
I, in the distorted perspectives,
the reality, in altering the physical;
concentrating in the dream
the fall of the essence.
Umberto F. M. Cefalà
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