After years of composing I returned to starting point, recovering to study analysis the poetic text as it is taught in schools. Actually, when I attended high school, I always had many difficulties in understanding the demands my professor. I wonder if after all these years I can put those basics into practice! For a better analysis of the poem I developed a brief schematic illustration: 1. Understanding of poetry SUMMARY ANALYSIS - Argument - of the themes present in poetry - author - opera Paraphrase respecting: - The order of subjects - grammar rules - the replacement of literary words with those the common language 2. Metrics and Syntax DETAILED ANALYSIS - The rhyme scheme - the rhythm and syntax (hypotaxis or parataxis) - the rhythm of the verse ( enjambements ) 3. Figures of speech the most relevant FIGURES OF SOUND FIGURES OF MEANING 4. Theme - Key words - the typical themes of the movements poetic (stilnovistica poetry, etc.) 5. Overall Interpretation and insights - Literary context - comparing with other texts - biography of the author Umberto F. M. Cefalà
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