Figures of speech are literary stratagems that they are used to find more effective expression, even at the cost of violating the rules language. They have numerous forms and are sometimes classified in lexical constructions at others in simple concordance between words. In common parlance, however, they are called simply metaphors, creating so a synecdoche ie entirely description with a part thereof. To better understand, we can compare these poetic tools to simple operations Math. The poetic expression is then completed by the reader with their own imagination. When you consider the following sentence: "The lights of the city are like the stars for the boat» City lights + = + boat stars the lights are used to move around in the dark = the stars are used to navigate in the dark The lights are like stars. Here the player itself, including the metaphor, poetry reaches. Below I put explanations of some figures of speech: Adynaton Afèresi Allegoria Allitterazione Anadiplosi Anaptissi Anastrofe Antanaclasi Anticlimax Apallage Apòstrofe Assonanza Brachilogia Catacrèsi Catafora Chiasmo Iperbole Metafora Onomatopea Similitudine Umberto F. M. Cefalà
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