Tiepolo on display at the Castello di Miradolo poem of the blog

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Tiepolo on display at the Castello di Miradolo

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The Miradolo Castle, Neo-Gothic manor house built in 1866 and located in Via Cardonata n. 2 - Pinerolo (TO), is hosting the exhibition "Tiepolo and the eighteenth century Veneto" by Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa.
The exhibition counts fifty works including paintings, etchings, engravings and sculptures, representative of Venetian painting of the eighteenth century and courtesy from Pinacoteca di Palazzo Chiericati in Vicenza.
The arrangement of the works is designed to allow comparison between the two great artists Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo (father and son) even with their contemporaries.
Of Giambattista you remember who was the son of a Venetian merchant, she received a first artistic training in the workshop of the eclectic painter Gregorio Lazzarini, then learn the "dark" painting of Frederick Bencovich and that of the great sixteenth-century.
Among the famous paintings is the ' "Immaculate Conception", painted in 1733-1734, which represents the very elegant main figure with a light blanket, all with a painting of pure light.
The exhibition will be open until 05/14/2017 at the following times and prices: Thursday and Friday 14:00 to 6:00 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays 10:00 to 18:30, closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; full € 10,00 reduced € 8.00 (groups, agreement, students under 26, over 65), reduced from 6 to 14 years € 3.00, free for children under 6 years and for Subscribers Museums.
 Immaculate Conception

She appears, in the gold of the day,
crowned with stars,
because the most beautiful jewels
reminds them into the world
and she with the inexorable expression
the divine will
moves the dove of peace
on human souls.

Umberto F. M. Cefalà

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–– FEEDS ––

This blog was created in 2012 with the first works and phrases romantic inspired by classical poetry. Later in the 2013 pointed towards a creative line with the testing of the open source project that is of poems by multiple authors. In 2014 he published My metaphors , a study of the figures of speech with new definitions and ad hoc examples. In the same year, to coincide with the Milanese works for the Universal Exhibition of 2015, led EXPO project concerning the representation of the most famous Italian dishes. In 2015 focused attention on those increasingly popular crafts as the grinder or the cobbler. It was also facing classical and contemporary art with the spread of cultural events of all sorts, but always presented in a poetic. In 2016 he held particularly to highlight developments on environmental protection.