Mr Internet School poem of the blog

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Mr Internet School

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For some years in the Italian schools, the "Learn Digital" project is being carried out, which is to give each student a tablet as a tool for studying at school and at home. Adherent classes have been subjected to surveys and surveys to monitor the regular course of study for boys. At the end of these, an improvement in the learning of humanities has emerged. According to experts, the circumstance would depend on the properties of the device, more powerful in manipulating the texts than in drafting equations. From other surveys, mainly on the use of extracurricular time, it would emerge that the internet connection would decrease learning. This would be the other side of the medal, that is, the "misuse" of the device, now a source of distraction, for purposes other than didactics.

As such, it is recognized the undoubted validity of the Internet for society, but it is believed that this instrument goes deliberately set up especially for boys, such as subjects in training and self-determination.

 Mr. Internet

Hey Mr. Internet, do you have any news?
... you want to show off the world's crimes.
Where do you get your dreams without age,
take them away with immoral pictures?

Hey, Mr. Internet, what do you do?
... you are immune to the real facts.
What you will give as your truth,
do not you care about the present worlds?

In the silence of the weak there is
hidden from the cry of those heroes.
In the smiles of love what it is

which shines more than life? And then
in the gaps of self-consciousness
you are hesitating about us.

Umberto F. M. Cefalà

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The most popular poems

- the blog themes -

- - - - - - - - - - Lavoro - - - - - - - - - - - - -

–– FEEDS ––

This blog was created in 2012 with the first works and phrases romantic inspired by classical poetry. Later in the 2013 pointed towards a creative line with the testing of the open source project that is of poems by multiple authors. In 2014 he published My metaphors , a study of the figures of speech with new definitions and ad hoc examples. In the same year, to coincide with the Milanese works for the Universal Exhibition of 2015, led EXPO project concerning the representation of the most famous Italian dishes. In 2015 focused attention on those increasingly popular crafts as the grinder or the cobbler. It was also facing classical and contemporary art with the spread of cultural events of all sorts, but always presented in a poetic. In 2016 he held particularly to highlight developments on environmental protection.